Crisis Response Management

Providing individual or group support, HelpPeople is ready to proactively respond to crises and/or traumatic events — at your worksite or virtually as appropriate.
HelpPeople staff is proud of our exceptional response times to help resolve serious and impactful situations that affect employees in all levels of the organization. HelpPeople’s counselors are available 24/7 to contact during a crisis.
Our professional counselors have received advanced Critical Incident Stress Management training and have responded to all types of critical incidents in the workplace. Our leadership consultations and training provide the necessary skills required to manage a variety of challenging events, including:
- Death or serious injury of an employee in the workplace
- Homicide or suicide
- Natural disaster
- A significant event causing an adverse emotional impact in the workplace
Critical Incident Support
Things happen in life that may exceed the normal coping capacities of those involved in the event. While some might be able to “push through” the event, others may struggle to move on.
Bereavement Fact Sheet
A bereavement session helps employees deal with the short or long term after effects.
Traumatic Event
Traumatic events happen and everyone copes with these events in their own way. For some, it might be difficult to move on.
Organizational Response
All organizations are potentially vulnerable to events beyond their control.