Making A Formal Supervisor Referral

How to Make A Referral
Most often, people come to the realization on their own when they need HelpPeople EAP for assistance. Others seek help after HelpPeople is suggested by a co-worker, supervisor, manager, family member or union representative. But HelpPeople can also assist organizations that want to refer an employee to EAP when their job performance becomes a concern. This type of referral to the EAP is often called a formal supervisor referral. The formal supervisor referral is a very useful tool to help employers help their employees make performance improvements and keep their job in good standing. It is described in detail below.
As a supervisor, the job performance of your employees is a primary concern. Your role involves observing and documenting both the positive and the negative quality of employee performance. When an employee is having job performance difficulties, your documentation of these problems then becomes the rational for planning a meeting to discuss the problems with your employee. Such a meeting involves addressing the job performance concerns and conveying expectations for change. In addition, this meeting can also involve referring the employee to HelpPeople EAP for assistance. The intention of the formal supervisor referral is to help your employee resolve the issue or issues that led to the employee’s declining work performance.
The formal supervisor referral is made to the EAP, in response to your employee’s deficient job performance. Your role as a supervisor is not to diagnose a problem, but to utilize the EAP as an effective intervention to help aid with job performance. This referral to HelpPeople should not be presented or used as discipline. Furthermore, supervisors should never allow an employee’s compliance with the EAP to be used in lieu of warranted progressive discipline. Nor should non-compliance with the formal supervisor referral be a basis for disciplinary procedures. Progressive discipline should be applied in relation to job performance issues only.
The first step in making the formal supervisor referral is arranging a private meeting with the employee who is having job performance difficulties. Be sure that you have specific documentation of the employee’s job performance history, including details of specific incidents, performance decline and any patterns of decline. Clearly inform the employee about the reason for the meeting. Listen to your employee and address the specific changes that need to be made with their job performance or conduct. You would then inform your employee that you would like the employee to contact HelpPeople EAP in relation to the work performance issue(s) discussed in the meeting. Inform the employee that you will also contact the EAP with the information discussed in the meeting. The information that you provide to the EAP is an important step in helping the employee with his or her problem(s) at work. The employee should then be asked to contact EAP within a certain time frame (usually within a few days) to schedule the appointment.
An employee’s request for counseling or other assistance through HelpPeople is voluntary and confidential. However, in the case of a formal referral, an employee is asked to sign a Release of Information form for a human resource representative or supervisor at the time of the EAP appointment. In your meeting with your employee, it is best to let the employee know that you are requesting that he, she, or they sign the Release of Information form. Let the employee know of the feedback that you want from the HelpPeople counselor and that the information that you will receive from the counselor will be limited. Assure the employee that you simply want to know whether he, she, or they will be working on the issues discussed in the meeting. Reassure the employee that it is the job performance issues that are your concern.
Typically, the information that the counselor discloses to the supervisor/ human resources representative addresses; (1) whether the employee attended EAP, (2) whether it is recommended that the employee return for follow-up appointments with the EAP or accept a referral to a provider and/or community resource, and (3) whether the employee is progressing with the action plan. Further information could be disclosed should the employee authorize it in the appropriately signed Release of Information form.
Be sure to contact EAP as soon as possible either before the meeting with the employee, or immediately afterward. Have the documentation in front of you. It is very important that HelpPeople have accurate information about the performance issues. The HelpPeople counselor will contact you after the employee attends the session and signs the Authorization for the Release of Information form.
- Meet with your employee or call HelpPeople for assistance with your conversation with your employee first.
- Review job performance problems and expectations for change.
- Inform your employee that you are making a referral to EAP.
- Inform your employee that you would like him, her, or they to contact EAP within a certain time frame (usually within a few days).
- Inform the employee of your interest in feedback from the EAP.
- Make plans to meet with your employee at a future time, to discuss their performance status.
- Call EAP with information from the meeting and with information about your employee’s deadline to call HelpPeople.